Take a Virtual Tour of the Fourth Ward School Museum
Our virtual tour allows you to visit the Historic Fourth Ward School Museum from anywhere in the world. We invite you to visit our magnificent historic building in person in Virginia City, Nevada. Meanwhile, here is a unique and interactive way to see our Museum from your phone, tablet, computer, or virtual reality headset!
This virtual tour is available to you on a complimentary basis through December 31, 2022. After which point the tour will be available for a small price of admission.
Play Along with Our Scavenger Hunt

If you enjoyed your virtual tour, please consider showing your appreciation with a donation to the Historic Fourth Ward School Museum here.
This program is funded in part by a grant from Nevada Humanities, and the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Nora Stefu – Museum Director
Scarlette McIlwee – Creative Designer, Character Artist, Voice Artist
Daniel Martin – Virtual Tour Design, Photography, Character Art