Dear Member,
With 2021 coming to a close, as many of you know there is a whole new effort now beginning as we plan for our 2022 season and address certain maintenance issues in the off-season.
For the past two years we have reached out to you, our dedicated members and supporters, to contribute to important projects here at the Historic Fourth Ward School. This year our campaign is for the installation of heating in parts of the museum: our main exhibit is of course the building itself, and we aim to make this historic landmark accessible year-round.
Our first priority is to heat the 1st floor North-East classroom and the museum entry/admissions. With the admissions area heated we can expand our availability of public tours. As for the 1st floor classroom (formerly known as “Ms. Quirk’s 1st Grade Classroom”, “The Tea Room”, and now “The Media Room”), it serves not only for our programming but is a critical utility area which houses our water, fire protection and compressed air systems within a closeted area. Unfortunately though, this room and the closet are not heated and pipes freezing in this utility room in the past have caused significant issues for the building, so we’re ready for a more permanent and reliable solution than a space heater.
The “Media Room” will also be a space to pursue one of the Museum’s goals: to provide year-round educational programs and digital programming. A heated Media Room will allow us to expand our Youtube “Classroom” with production of more of our history lessons, and we are also planning an “Oral Histories” segment to collect primary source accounts of our Comstock history (but interviews in a 30 degree room might be a bit “stiff”). We’re also very excited to launch our “Digital Storytelling” program in which youth can come to the Museum and learn to write, direct, act in, then edit their own historically-inspired short films.
Installing heating is not only a critical building protection measure, but also an essential feature that will allow us to continue expanding our programs to preserve and share Comstock history. The heating project will cost $40,000 and we have secured $25,500 to-date. We hope you share our commitment to the importance of the project and will join us by making a 2021 Year-End Campaign donation to fund this necessary project. Here are some easy ways for you to donate and support the project!
1.) Use the form at: https://givebutter.com/fourthwardendyear2021
2.) Text “4WS” to (202) 858-1233
3.) Mail a check to “Historic Fourth Ward School Foundation”, P.O. Box 4, Virginia City, NV, 89440
Thank you for your continued support,
Nora Stefu
Executive Director